This paper explores the illness of Anorexia Nervosa in the community. Anorexia Nervosa is not given enough attention as it really should. Many young women and teenagers have been losing their lives for many years over this illness. Hollywood movie stars, super thin models, and the internet effect the community and Anorexia. Hollywood movie stars and models are idolized by women and teenagers, giving society a negative image of a “normal” body weight. Better awareness of Anorexia Nervosa and eating disorders would help community members recognize warning signs of potential victims. This paper also examines how Pro-Anorexia media effects young girls and teenagers by luring them to their websites and blogs. This problem needs to be fixed because it can be prevented and stopped. By becoming aware of this illness the community will be able to handle Anorexia Nervosa in a new way and recognize a “true” body image.
Anorexia Nervosa as a Community Problem
“Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.” (unknown author, 2007) These simple sad words have come from a Pro-Anorexia blog of a young teenage girl. Anorexia Nervosa has affected many young women and teenagers in communities around the world for many years. In many instances this illness has gone unnoticed or has been ignored by the community members. Anorexia Nervosa is a serious illness brought by self starvation and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Due to Hollywood’s notoriously thin models and movie stars, society has shaped an idea of a “normal” body image. Many models and Hollywood stars have turned to Anorexia for various reasons leaving false notions of healthy body images. Anorexia Nervosa is most commonly found in women and young teenagers. These young teenagers and women idolize these models and Hollywood stars, whom are not giving off good impressions to the community. Many young girls and women in high schools, colleges, and in the workplace are suffering from this illness, and nothing seems to be done about it. Since this illness is associated as a “women’s disorder” many men become vulnerable to the fact of anorexia being ignored . It is important for people to become more aware of Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders because it is something that can be prevented and stopped.
Anorexia Nervosa is an illness caused by an individuals decision for self starvation and an extreme fear of gaining weight. This is a psychological disorder which gives the individual a hard time to recover. Sometimes the signs and symptoms are not as obvious as other community problems. Some symptoms include: having a distorted body image, excessive exercise, and having a continued diet. These symptoms are very hard to determine in an Anorexic victim making them easily overlooked. (The Eating Disorder Foundation, 2005) Many young women and teenagers have lost their lives due to this horrible illness. This is a major problem because it is preventable by recognizing warnings of a potential victim. In a commercial ad called “Scales” from The Looking Glass Foundation, they use the slogan “Not every suicide note looks like a suicide note”, to make a point to the community. (The Looking Glass Foundation, News/Events) When young girls and women count calories, weigh themselves constantly, and are fearful of gaining weight these are not seen as typical suicide warnings by society. This is why they probably go ignored or unnoticed. Agencies such as the Looking Glass Foundation, The Eating Disorder Foundation and The Renfew Center Foundation help young teenagers and women recover from this illness and help gain regular eating habits and a healthy body image. The Looking Glass Foundation is founded in Canada and it’s goal is to raise awareness about Anorexia Nervosa and offer help for victims. The Renfew Center Foundation’s goal is to also support healthy body image and to help suffering Anorexic’s gain their lives back. Statistics done by The Eating Disorder Foundation give more of an insight that Anorexia and other eating disorders are becoming a significant community problem. Some of these facts and statistics included, “Four out of five US women are dissatisfied with their appearance”, 81% of ten year old girls are afraid of being fat”, and “a study found that adolescent girls were more fearful of gaining weight than getting cancer, nuclear war, or losing their parents.” (The Eating Disorder Foundation,2005)
The Internet is filled with an array of blogs, articles, videos, books and pictures about Anorexia Nervosa. Some of this material is beneficial for the community promoting healthy body images, healthy eating habits, and advice on how to get help from an eating disorder. On the other hand it is full of “Pro-Ana” websites,blogs,and videos, meaning promoting Anorexia. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders has made it clear they want these Pro-Ana websites shut down. (Reaves , 2001) These “Pro-Ana” websites are colorful, creative, and wordy, which lures young girls and teenagers to these websites. The “Pro-Ana” blogs give harmful advice to young girls about eating habits, lying to friends and family, and learning how to hide the illness. In one blog titled “Dying to be Thin” a young girl describes her recovery, then describes herself going back to old habits. (Ana Regzig, 2009) These websites and blogs are definitely seen as a hazard to today’s youth and even women. The community is effected by this problem because it is dealing with today’s youth and women. In a novel Coping with Eating Disorders by Barbara Moe (1991), she states that between the years of 1969-1978 the number of diet articles in women’s magazines had increased by about 20%. She also states that women have been given many duties to handle in today’s society which gives them confusion over food issues. (Barbara Moe, 1991) In another novel Your Dieting Daughter- Is She Dying for Attention?, Carolyn Costin (1997) interviews teenagers dealing with Anorexia Nervosa. In an interview done with a sixteen year old girl, Becky, Costin describes the young girls weight of just eighty pounds. The young girl’s body image is distorted and is upset for just gaining one pound. This novel proves that many young teenagers have negative feelings towards their bodies. Also, a study done by four professional doctors researched top journals biases against eating disorder topics. In this study they found that there were twice as many articles about pain disorders than about Anorexia. They also found that many medical professionals hold “stigmatizing attitudes” towards eating disorders. This study shows that Anorexia Nervosa is a community problem because it is simply not given as much attention as it should. (Am J Psychiatry; Frost, Murphy, Webster, Schmidt, 2003)
Modeling agencies are beginning to become concerned over the illnesses of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia in their models. They have began to realize the negative images they are putting out to the community and society of body image. Many models have lost their lives because they are forced to look a certain way or they want the “perfect” body for the runway. (CNN 2006) Numerous modeling agencies such as the French Fashion Industry have began to turn down models that do not have a healthy body weight. The Health Ministry in France wants to promote healthy body images for the community and society. Also, a French lawmaker wants to pass a bill that will convict modeling agencies of promoting Anorexia or other eating disorders. These modeling agencies have began to address society and the community in a positive way to make a change in people’s ideas of a “perfect” body. (Associated Press, 2008)
These Hollywood stars, Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Ricci, are seen suffering from Anorexia Nervosa. The body image they are giving off to their fans is negative and unhealthy. They are seen in expensive dresses and are known as superstars, so many young women and teenagers idolize these celebrities. Lohan and Ricci are seen as happy and confident women, which makes others believe Anorexia will also give them these feelings. Other Hollywood stars such as Victoria Beckham, Mary-Kate Olsen, Paula Abdul, and Tracey Gold have dealt with Anorexia Nervosa. (Maddie Rudd, 2010) As the rate of eating disorders increases, it is likely that it will increase in society as well.
As agencies such as The Eating Disorder Foundation and The Looking Glass Foundation continue to raise awareness for Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders, it is important for other community members to gain awareness. Many young teenagers and women around the country have been suffering from Anorexia Nervosa. This illness may even become deadly to some of its victims. Modeling agencies have also began to promote healthy body images to society, but there is still more to be done. Hollywood movie stars have become an immense factor in a women’s struggle for the “perfect body”. If community members become more aware of Anorexia Nervosa and other eating disorders this would help young women and teenagers get help efficiently.
Associated Press. (2008). French fashion signs charter against anorexia-Industry representatives pledge to promote healthy body images. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/24035647
CNN. (2006, September 13). Skinny models banned from catwalk. Retrieved October 4, 2010, from http://articles.cnn.com/2006-09-13/world/spain.models_1_association-of-fashion-designers-skinny-models-pasarela-cibeles?_s=PM:WORLD
Costin, C. (1997). Your dieting daughter- Is she dying for attention? (pp. 54-58) New York: BRUNNER/MAZEL, INC.
Frost, S., Murphy, R., Webster, P., & Schmidt, U. (2003). Are top journals biased against eating disorder topics? [Electronic version] Am J Pyschiatry, 160, 363-365.
Moe, B. (1991). Coping with eating disorders (1995th ed., pp. 27-28). New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
Photo . (n.d.). In Molly Knight. Retrieved October 31, 2010, from http://www.mollyknight.com/journal/2005may.html
Reaves, J. (2001, July 31). Anorexia goes high tech. Retrieved September 30, 2010, from
Rezgig, A. (2009, January). Dying to be thin: a pro-ana blog. Retrieved October 3, 2010, from http://anaregzig.blogspot.com/
Rudd, M. (2010). Celebrities with eating disorders. In HubPages. Retrieved October 31, 2010, from http://hubpages.com/hub/Celebrities_with_Eating_Disorders_-_List_and_Pics
The Eating Disorder Foundation. (2005). About eating disorders. Retrieved October 5, 2010, from http://www.eatingdisorderfoundation.org/EatingDisorders.htm